
Belcanto by José Avillez is the 31st best restaurant in the world

Every year, the The World’s 50 Best Restaurants lists not just the 50 but the 100 best restaurants in the world. During the ceremony held in the early hours of June 6th (Portuguese time) no Encore Theatre do hotel Wynn, em Las Vegas, in the United States, José Avillez saw his Belcanto consecrated again in the top places. The only Portuguese restaurant to appear on the list, however, dropped six positions compared to 2023, when it occupied 25th place.

Elegance and distinction at Belcanto

José Avillez Group

“The first culinary experience by admired chef José Avillez takes customers on a journey through contemporary Portuguese cuisine. The well-designed restaurant, with 45 seats, is a space ivolumeany decorated with vaulted ceilings, lamps minimalist and tall windows. Dishes from the à la carte menu and a tastings include grilled hake with coriander, cured egg yolk and black truffle, and the whimsical “Jthe goose that lays the golden eggs”which features egg with crusty bread and mushrooms†: this is how José Avillez’s signature restaurant is described, Forfo de Platina for the Boa Cama Boa Mesa 2024 Guide and awarded two Michelin stars.

José Avillez

Spanish Disfrutar is the new number 1

Located in Barcelona, ​​the restaurant Enjoy, two chefs Mateu Casañas, Oriol Castro and Eduard Xatruch, It is considered the best restaurant in the world, ranking number one in 2024 (it was second best in 2023). Also in Spain, second place is occupied Asador Etxebarri, located in the Basque Country, do chef Victor Aguinzonizoccupying the Parisian Table by Bruno Verjus, do chef Bruno Verjusthird position.

In 2023, the top spot on the podium went to the Peruvian restaurant Central (first in Latin America to reach the top of the list).

Check out the list of the 100 best restaurants in the world according to the choice of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2024.

The prizes The World’s 50 Best, are in edition 22, the result of voting by hundreds of anonymous voters, including cooks, specialty journalists and other agents in the restaurant sector from all over the world. José Avillez’s debut on this list of 50 was made in 2019, when Belcanto occupies 42nd position. Previously, in 2018, it had ranked 75th. In 2021, the restaurant reached position 42, falling in 2022 to place 46. In 2023, Belcanto reached position 25, not being the best result ever for a restaurant in Portugal , as Vila Joya, led by Dieter Koschina, ranked 22nd in 2014, the best ranking ever for a Portuguese restaurant.

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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