
Biden says Netanyahu may be prolonging the war for political reasons, Israel raids refugee camp: 242 days of war

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, admitted that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be delaying the end of the war in Gaza for political reasons, according to an interview with “Time†magazine. released this Tuesday.

Asked whether he thinks Netanyahu is prolonging the war for political reasons, Biden replied: “There is every reason for people to reach that conclusion.†The interview took place on May 28, just days before Biden details a proposed ceasefire in Gazaand at a time when the Israeli Prime Minister is struggling with deep political divisions at an internal level.

The American leader also considered it “uncertain†whether Israeli forces committed war crimes in Gaza and rejected allegations that Israel is using the starvation of civilians as a method of war. However, he stated: “I think they engaged in activities that are inappropriate.â€

More news of the day:

⇒ The Israeli army announced the start of a ground incursion into the al-Bureij refugee camp, in central Gaza, from which it withdrew in January. Israeli troops confirmed a combined operation of air and land forces, with the latter acting “selectively†against Hamas militiamen in the area. The army also announced that it attacked a Hamas compound at a school belonging to the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees with drones, noting that, at the time of the attack, elements of the Palestinian group were inside the facilities. located in the refugee camp.

⇒ The United States will present a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council to support the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, presented by Joe Biden, and call on Hamas to accept it. The country’s ambassador to the organization, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said that the Americans “distributed a new draft Security Council resolution that supports the proposal on the table to stop the fighting in Gaza through an agreement on a ceasefire and the release of hostages”.

⇒ The ultra-Orthodox Shas party, a member of the Israeli coalition government, expressed support for a possible agreement for the release of hostages kidnapped by Hamas. The party assures that it “fully supports†the proposal, which includes “long-term measures†. The Israeli Minister of National Security, the far-right settler Itamar Ben Gvir, urged the Israeli Government to declare war on the Lebanese group Hezbollah, during a visit to the country’s northern border.

⇒ Gaza health authorities, controlled by Hamas, accused Israel of killing at least 11 people overnight, including a family of three in the Bureij refugee camp, and eight police officers. A Gaza civil defense spokesman also said that first responders recovered the bodies of 360 people, mostly women and children, killed in the Jabaliya refugee camp during the recent three-week Israeli offensive there.

⇒ The Slovenian Parliament will predictably approve the recognition of Palestine as a state, after the ultraconservative SDS party withdrew the proposal for a consultative referendum on the matter, which would have delayed the vote by at least a month. After withdrawing the motion, which would have to be debated, Parliament may, after all, vote this Tuesday on the recognition of the State of Palestine, which should be approved thanks to the majority of the three parties of the center-left coalition in power.

⇒ The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights considered it inconceivable that more than 500 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since the start of the conflict, on October 7 last year. During the same period, 24 Israelis, including eight members of the Israeli security forces, were killed in the West Bank and Israel in clashes or alleged attacks by West Bank Palestinians, Volker Türk added.

⇒The Japanese city of Nagasaki will not invite Israel to the peace ceremony it organizes every year on August 9 in honor of the victims of the atomic bomb, launched by the United States in 1945. “We have suspended the sending the letter of invitation to the Israeli ambassador in Japan, declared the president of the Nagasaki City Council, Shiro Suzuki. Instead of the invitation, the municipality sent a letter to the Israeli embassy “calling for an immediate ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip.

You can also remember here the main events of the previous day.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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