
CDU in Évora: it is necessary to put the vote in the ballot box like “bread in the oven” because “the 10th is already late”

The son of the land went home to ask for help to put “bread in the ovenâ€. On a day dedicated to equality, and when the caravan is leaving Lisbon to head north, João Oliveira took a detour to Évora, where he is the “candidate that everyone knows†, to convince the fellow countrymen who “there are no acquired votes or impossible votes†.

“The CDU may not be the force of political correctness, because he puts his finger on the wound, denounces what is wrong and talks about what others want to keep quiet. But we are certainly the political force of the politically right. What is right for workers, for the development of the country, for peace, cooperation and solidarity between peoples,†says the head of the list.

When time is running out and the campaign approaches its end, João Oliveira is convinced that “this is in fact the force that is capable of leading these fights of our time†, especially against “anti-democratic reactionary forces†who want to go backwards. But he is also confident that PCP and PEV have the “conditions to have a great electoral result†.

“But comrades and friends, this is more or less like Alentejo bread.â€alert. “We can have a beautiful dough, but if we don’t put the dough in the oven, the bread won’t make itself. We need each and every one to make their contribution to putting bread in the oven.â€

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Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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