
PS wants to hear from Secretary of State for Mobility regarding €79,000 compensation

This Friday, the PS sent a request requesting that the Secretary of State for Mobility, Cristina Dias, be heard, given what it considers the “increasing doubts†that resulted from the recent hearings held in the Assembly of the Republic. At issue is the compensation of 79,087.58 euros that the governor received when she left CP, a few days before entering another State institution, the Mobility and Transport Authority (AMT).

So far there have been four hearings on the matter at the Economy, Public Works and Housing Committee. As of the current president, Pedro Moreira, and that of one of his predecessors, Manuel Queiró, who was president at the time of Cristina Dias’ departure from the company. Sérgio Monteiro, then Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, and Francisco Fortunato, former director of EMEF.

In these hearings, new data on the topic was released and internal CP documents were released, which attest that Cristina Dias had already been invited to the AMT board of directors when on July 22, 2015 he asked to leave CP, where he held the position of vice-president. Furthermore, Manuel Queiró denied having knowledge of Cristina Dias going to AMT. In statements previously made to Correio da Manhã, Queiró guaranteed that, If Cristina Dias had given formal notice about going to AMT, the exit compensation would have been of a different amount or would not have existed at all.

In the request, the PS states that the July 22, 2015 Cristina Dias “sent a letter addressed to the president of the board of directors of CP to revoke her employment contract by mutual agreement†and that same day a – œextraordinary management meeting to approve the termination of the contract, through compensation of approximately 79 thousand euros, with the human resources department having already prepared the calculation of the compensation to be awarded†.

It also indicates that “on the immediately following day, the CP board of directors met again in an extraordinary manner to waive compliance with the deadline for producing the effects of resignation stipulated by law, However, Cristina Dias resigned from her position as vice-president of CP†.

“No legal opinion or decision-making process duly based on the CP can be conceived to support the aforementioned compensation in its own terms,†add in this request the deputies of the PS parliamentary group, who question whether o could “be facing serious favoritism†towards Cristina Dias given the dates of the extraordinary meetings of the CP administration council, in addition to the fact that Manuel Queiró said that – œthere was no prior communication that Dr. Cristina Dias’ departure from CP would take place on July 23, 2015, and that she would immediately transfer to AMT†.

“Faced with an imperative clarification on the political, ethical and legal contours of this entire process, the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party considers it time to listen to Dr. Cristina Dias herself, current Secretary of State for Mobility, about your process of leaving CP and respective compensation. The principle of transparency requires this,” the party said in the request sent to deputy Miguel Santos, president of the Economy, Public Works and Housing Committee.

Letter did not mention AMT

In a letter dated July 22, 2015, addressed to Manuel Queiró, Cristina Dias asked the then president of CP’s board of directors to analyze the possibility of, “by agreement, putting an end†€ to your employment contract “under the conditions in force at the company†.

“For this purpose and taking into account my entire professional career at CP as well as the positions held, I request that for the purposes of calculating the value of the compensation all years of effective work, since 2 from December 1992 to June 2015, at the service of this company†.

The manager recalled that she served as director of the organizational development, quality and environment office in the period preceding her appointment as member of the board of directors, and that she had the professional category of so ©licensed technician. This letter made no reference to her going to the AMT a few days later.

According to CP’s internal records, her last day of work was July 22, 2015. On July 15 of that year, Cristina Dias had been heard at the Economy and Public Works Commission as part of her nomination. to serve as member of the AMT board of directors.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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