
Germany’s Scholz fires again at Trump

Trump triggered uproar across Europe next telling a community all over a weekend marketing campaign block in South Carolina that he would “encourage” Russia to invade NATO allies who’re “delinquent,” announcing: “You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.”

Tusk, who arrived in Berlin to fulfill Scholz next visible French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris previous within the month, stated that “regardless” of what Trump says, “it is really in our common European interest that all NATO member states directly and clearly increase the funding of defense” functions.

“This is really necessary and not because Donald Trump said so, but quite objectively,” Tusk added. “We have to take care of improving our defense potential ourselves and this European part of NATO has to take a more determined stand. I would try to convince all European partners in NATO of this.”

Eu leaders have in fresh weeks increasingly more fretted over the safety implications of a imaginable 2nd Trump presidency. However the former president’s feedback over the weekend have added a better sense of urgency to already ongoing Eu debates about reaching higher strategic democracy from the U.S.

“I’m really convinced that these words from Donald Trump should act as a cold shower for all of us, especially for those who are not so aware of this real threat that we are facing, or don’t take it very seriously,” stated Tusk in Berlin. “We really must hope for full cooperation from the United States, but Europe must also invest in its own security.”


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