
Lava bleeds from Iceland volcano into the frozen terrain in improbable satellite tv for pc symbol

Lava flowed like red blood from a large tear in Earth’s floor all through the untouched volcanic eruption on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula, a dramatic brandnew satellite tv for pc symbol unearths. 

The picture, taken through the Eu Union’s Copernicus’ SENTINEL-2 satellite tv for pc seven hours nearest the 1.9 mile (3 kilometers) fissure gave the impression, presentations lava flows coursing 2.8 miles (4.5 km) west from the eruptive website, and a plethora eruption plume extending southward from the peninsula into the Atlantic Ocean. “The smoke plume and the lava flow can clearly be seen near the city of Grindavik,” in step with a statement from the Copernicus staff. 


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