
Amor Romeira reveals that she was fined for having sexual relations with a soccer player: “We couldn’t stand the urge”

Emma Garcia informed all the viewers who were watching’Fiesta‘this Sunday that the Penalties for having sexual relations in public can reach 600 euros. The topic of sex in public was the protagonist of a large part of the program but what no one saw coming was the anecdote that Amor Romeira confessed to having experienced.

“Here is a person who she couldn’t suppress her passion and they caught her“, revealed the presenter without giving the name of the collaborator. However, shortly after it was the presenter herself Romeira who confessed to being the person Emma García was referring to.

Amor Romeira’s funny sexual anecdote

“It happened to me once and they fined me. We were in a place, We couldn’t hold back the urge and we went out into the street.“, the television actress began explaining before detailing that she was accompanied by a well-known footballer of whom he did not want to reveal the identity.

“We were in a flowerbed with a plant. I thought the plant was covering mebut they saw me,” revealed Amor Romeira, who also explained that the police officer who fined them He recognized them and asked them ironically if they didn’t have money for a hotel.

Bye: 800 euros. “Since then I had a thing for that plant…” said the collaborator, laughing before ending her curious and funny anecdote.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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