
Antonio Resines confesses his opinion about the end of ‘Los Serrano’ and the salary he earned: “I was going crazy”

El 20th anniversary of ‘Los Serrano’ has brought together its seven protagonists: Fran Perea, Antonio Resines, Beln Rueda, Vernica Snchez, Natalia Snchez and Victor Elas They met again to discuss some anecdotes and also their controversial ending. It should be remembered that the series, which was broadcast on Telecinco, was a complete success. It was on the air from April 2003 to 2008.

When Luca, the character he played Beln Rueda, died in the series, what is known as the beginning of the end arrived. But that does not mean that it does not continue to be one of the stories and series that are most fondly remembered among the Spanish audience.

“I suffer from physical and mental exhaustion,” Resines has confessed on Fran Perea’s YouTube channel. “I was going crazy,” she added. And, in full confessions, she also wanted to say how much money she earned per episode and how much she earned thanks to the series.

Resines’ salary at ‘Los Serrano’

“Some of us charged for share points,” confessed the actor, who gave life to Diego Serrano, the father of the family in one of the most beloved series in Spain. That is to say, although he did not want to say the exact figure, he assured that the more people saw the episodes, the higher his salary was.. Something that happened only with the participation of some characters.

But they have also talked about the controversial ending, in which everything was a dream. “I know who wrote that ending, but I can’t say it. “There are three people,” Rines explained. “There was an ending that was wanted to be done for another series, and it couldn’t be done, and they snuck it into this one. I remember the day that Arantxa Cija took us somewhere to talk about it and we were personally very excited because it was reliving the first day. The conditions…”, commented Vctor Elas, who played Guille.

“What we never understood is, if they tried it for another series, why didn’t they record that sequence on the first day of recording, They keep it, they don’t tell us anything, and they would have put it at the end. But recording it later was strange…”, stated Natalia Sánchez (Tet), reports El Televisero.


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