
Bernardos, on the study that stipulates the money that gives happiness: “To throw it in the trash”

EIn some conversation this topic has always been present at some point and it is the issue of whether money brings happiness. Some answer no, others say yes, others say it at least helps to achieve it. Well then, A study has dared to establish a certain amount of money for which one can be happy.

The aforementioned research states that To achieve happiness you need 102,000 euros, a figure that may or may not surprise you, but that’s right, this is the number to be happy.

In the afternoon program of La Sexta, ‘Más Vale Tarde’, presented by Iñaki López and Cristina Pardo, they analyzed the study. The data that this showed is that with 13,500 euros a year you would only be 35% happy, while with 102,000 euros, 60% happy, and with 730,000 euros, you would already achieve complete happiness. that is, without any kind of worry.

To comment on this data from the University of Michigan they have connected with the program’s trusted economist, Gonzalo Bernardos, who always says what he thinks without mincing words and being quite clear. The expert has been blunt: “They are studies that serve to attract attention.”

Bernardos, on the work of economists: “We have no idea how to make people happy”

He has alluded several times to the fact that the economy has no soul and that the use of these terms tries to bring this subject closer to having a little soul and heart, hence its use. Bernardos has been even clearer: “This study should be taken and thrown in the trash. We economists have no idea how to make people happy.”

Finally, he added: “Many people would have a better job, much better care and education,” in reference to what if happiness belonged to economists. So, according to Bernardos, this study does not contribute anything, and this is what he commented: “For me, it has no importance, it does not indicate anything about the happiness of the people, or the economy.”


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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