
Direct witness: we sneaked into the great Gran Fondo of the Clásica Jaén with Purito, Pasamontes and 450 ‘crazy’

Ccyclists: you have to run in January. Grand Fondo of the Classic Jan Paraso Interior has become a rara avis within the stagnant program of cycle tours what’s in Spain.

A unique experience that It allows you to ride on the roads that are going to explode the next day with the pros, and that gives you the opportunity to know the beauty, depth and peace transmitted by the sea of ​​olive trees that floods the Jaén countryside.

The rain, which as has happened with the Classic Jan Paraso Interior del Superluneshas forced to change a route that still presented up to four sections of sterrato for a total of 18.5 kilometers. But he has respected the participants who have not gotten wet throughout the pleasant morning in the Sierra de Jan.

There were nerves at breakfast. Facing the sterrato for the first time raises doubts. But they soon dissipated. At breakfast, together with two artists from Olvera (Cdiz) such as Rafael Redondo and Pedro Madrid It seemed that everything was going to turn out well. Good carnival vibes from two cyclists who have been involved with the gravel and that from his store, Cachanbikethey signed them up for the adventure.

Con Purito opening fire, until 450 cycle tourists set off. After 20 kilometers of up and down, first section: Saint Elaulia. At the outset, mud… tension. The front wheel sliding and the gravel boats passing like airplanes. The editor took a gamble with his road bike and 25mm tubularold school.

Once the trance is over, the surface begins to compact and after a wall at 19% begins the enjoyment. Joyful cadence and control, navigating the sea of ​​olive trees.

Why did I appear Luis Pasamontes, guiding the people of The League of Gregarious and sharing tips to face the sections. Obviously, some punctures fell, but it was daylight for many of us when we saw the Shiman technical assistanceor at the first refreshment station. There they were Erika and Carla lending a hand with isotonic, bars or fruit for the runners. I didn’t miss anything.

Guadalupe, Cross of Soapmakers and Solitudes, one after another the sections fell and finally we coincided with the recognition of UAE Team Emirates with Tim Wellenswho had just finished third in Murcia, shooting; Juan Ayuso taking note and the young Arrieta closing the group.

Ah, he grabbed me like a limpet Antonio, a neighbor of Beda who knew the twist inside out and guided us to the goal. Brilliant day of cycling, in a great background unique in Spain.


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