
It’s now official: the NFL will arrive at the Santiago Bernabéu in 2025

EIt’s been an open secret for months, but it’s finally a reality. He Santiago Bernabu host a regular NFL league game in 2025. The North American giant lands in Spain and chooses Chamartin as its first strategic port. After London, Mexico City, Munich, Frankfurt and Sao Paulo (in 2024), American football reaches Madrid in its expansion policy and consolidates the capital as nerve center of world sports and entertainment.

This will be the new and ‘multipurpose’ Bernabu: tennis, basketball, NFL, eSports…

He Santiago Bernabu if it imposes as al Metropolitanthe other large stadium in the capital, which also aspired to be the home of the first NFL game in Spanish territory. In favor of the home of Atlético de Madrid Its location was more conducive to the enormous display of the NFL: official store, stalls with clothing, food stands… But the prestige of the Bernabuthe remodeling that turns the white coliseum into a ‘Dome’ and the greater capacity of the stadium have ended up tipping the balance.


This is what an NFL game will be like at the Bernabu

What teams will play at the Santiago Bernabu?

The 2025 NFL schedule is not yet known, but what is known is that Miami Dolphins o Chicago Bears They will serve as the home team in that match Madrid. The North American league ‘divided’ the world between the different franchises and those two teams kept the Spanish market.

“We are spending time in those markets, building relationships and observing the stadiums there. Brazil and Spain are two strong markets and two important markets,” the executive vice president of the NFL said a few months ago, Peter O’Reilly. Brazil, specifically São Paulotook the prize for 2024 and Madrid pick up the baton by 2025.

The economic and image impact for the city

“About ten million people in the US watched the first game between Dolphins and Chiefs and they got to know Frankfurt, our stadium and our football club, Eintracht,” said the club’s communications director. Eintracht Frankfurt, Jan Martin Strasheimafter the two matches played in the Deutsche Bank Park in November, considered a success: “Organizing the NFL in Frankfurt has a magnificent impact on our internationalization strategy.”

And not only image. The economic return from such an event is enormous. According to a study by The Sports Consultancythe match played between Tampa Bay Buccaneers y Seattle Seahawks at the Allianz Arena, in 2022, generated a total economic impact of 70.2 million euros for the city of Monk, with 32.2 million euros of direct spending. Fans They spent an average of 333 euros per day in Munich during the weekend of the match.

The NFL joins Formula 1 in Madrid

The 30-degree curve and other surprises of the Madrid circuit

The NFL announcement comes in a few days after the presentation of the new Formula 1 circuit in the capitalwhich will become the headquarters of the Spanish GP from 2026. Two giants that will land in the city one year apart and that will put Madrid even more in the international spotlight of sports fans.


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