
Luis Díaz’s ordeal in 2023: “He is a shadow of himself”

Luis Daz goes through your worst moment in Liverpool since it arrived in the winter market of 2022. The guajiro has been all over this year. First one knee injury which forced him to be off the playing fields for several days. Afterwards, personally, he had to live in his flesh the kidnapping of his father at the hands of the ELN. 2023 has been hell for him, and to make matters worse, at Liverpool he is going through one of the worst streaks of his careerwhich has led him to receive harsh criticism.

The worst of them has come from one of the club’s historic players. Jamie Carragher, former defender of the red team, spoke very harshly during a podcast with another former player, Gary Neville: “Luis Díaz He just looks like a shadow of himself since those knee injuries. that he had last season, he obviously had family issues this season. I really feel like Daz, especially on that left side, He has to have a great second half of the season or I’m sure Liverpool will enter the market in the summer because it feels like that. “With the departure of Sadio Man and Roberto Firmino, they haven’t really replaced them in terms of quality.”

Carragher couldn’t help but remember the tough season Luis Daz has had, with everything he has been through. The Liverpool legend understands the difficult moments that the Colombian winger has experienced, especially with the issue of his father. But even with all that, she warns that the level of the guajiro is very far from what he was used to in these years with Jérgen Klopp in charge.

And Lucho is having one of the worst scoring streaks in his entire career. With this Saturday’s game against Arsenal, There are already seven games without seeing a goal. Added to that, he had to leave the field of play at 66 minutes in the last duel, again due to knee problems. Her face said it all. Lucho left the grass with tears in his eyes and with noticeable gestures of concern that extended even to the German coach, Klopp.

The coach, despite everything, wanted to give a reassuring message after the game. “The pain was small. The physiotherapists They weren’t too worried, but you never know.“, he expressed after the meeting. Also the photos of Lucho himself celebrating Christmas with his family gave a note of hope in the middle of everything. But as his coach recalled, “you never know.”

Injury to the same knee

The truth is that this new annoyance comes like a bucket of cold water for Luis Daz. The winger seemed to have left the problems behind that knee that They forced him to miss a total of 31 games last season. An ordeal that lasted 188 days, from the first time he was injured in October 2022, with the subsequent operation and his return in April of this year. Since then he has never been the same.

Because if we look at the numbers of this campaign, not only has the bar been lowered at the scoring level. The Colombian Nor has he been able to add a single assist so far this season.. Precisely one of the skills for which he has always stood out the most.

These criticisms of a legend like Jamie Carragher have also been joined by those of another historical figure, John Alridge. The latter considers that the problem may be more in the mind of a Lucho who has gone through very difficult times personally. “Daz has had a lot on his mind in the last few months after his father was kidnapped.” in Colombia and suffered a serious injury before.

These are what would have led to Lucho suffering on the field, and led to a considerable loss of confidence in his game. “He The drive he had to face rivals when he first arrived at the club is absent right now,” Alridge said.

The National Team was an oasis at times for him in this difficult year. The two goals against Brazil on a night that became history for Colombia seemed like the boost he needed for his rather battered self-esteem. However, that start has faded with the last few days for a Lucho hopes more than anyone that 2024 will be a total and transcendental change for his career.. At 26 years old, he should be experiencing his peak, as all experts consider, and yet he is going through a slump that may largely define his next years.


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