
The inexplicable scene that surprises Iker Jiménez: dementors in Galicia?

The Carballeira, a town in Ourense, has become one of the points with the greatest capacity for attraction for lovers of the paranormal. The small Galician town has witnessed a somewhat intriguing scene, and that is that the program ‘Cuarto Milenio’, which presents Iker Jimenezanalyzed some incredible images of what many do not hesitate to compare with the presence of a dementor.

For those less familiar with the ‘Harry Potter’ universe, Dementors are beings capable of flying and moving through the sky, floating, and who guard the Azkaban prison in the books written by JK Rowling. In the Cuatro space, Carmen Porter wanted to surprise everyone with some images sent by a neighbor from A Carballeira.

“It looks like a dementor from Harry Potter,” said the space collaborator after emitting what appears to be an elongated black shadow moving through the sky of the Galician town and which has caused all kinds of theories. Upon seeing it, Iker Jiménez argued that the author of the books about the boy wizard could have been inspired by real cases to create the dementors.

Other events that draw the attention of Iker Jiménez

‘Fourth Millennium’ also had time to focus on another of the greatest mysteries of the human being. This is the famous monstruo del Lago Ness. One more year, hundreds of people gathered in the enclave where, in theory, the aforementioned creature is and thus demonstrate with irrefutable proof of its existence. As is tradition, no one managed to prove the presence of the monster.

Another issue that kept Iker Jiménez captivated was a strange red sky in a city in southern China and that, for many residents of the area, meant that the end of the world was near. However, the real explanation is that the amount of fishing boats in the citytogether with the presence of low clouds, led to the curious scene.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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