
The spectacular photos of Ester Expósito in a bikini

Ester Exposito He is one of the big names on the national scene. The Madrid native has emerged with great force since her appearance in the series ‘Elite‘, which catapulted her to the media front page and, since then, he has not stopped harvesting successes. She has participated in renowned series such as ‘Bandits‘, but his career has not remained solely on the small screen, making the leap to cinema in productions such as ‘Venus‘ o ‘Lost in the night‘.

They are success and his popularity have led her to be image of many brandsaware of Expósito’s pull not only in front of the cameras, but also in the social networks. In fact, the actress is one of the Spanish personalities with more followers on networkshighlighting the more than 26 million followers he has on his Instagram profile alone. Therefore, almost all the content you share takes little time to create. viralsomething that has happened again after Ester Expósito took advantage of the good time of the last few days to share several photographs on bikini.

The spectacular photos of Ester Expósito in a bikini that set the networks on fire

Taking advantage of the proximity of summerthe Madrid native has uploaded several snapshots to her Instagram profile in the playa which have not taken long to unleash a furor on social networks, accumulating around a million likes in the first hour alone.

Ester Expósito welcomes summer early

In them you can see the actress on an unidentified beach, taking advantage of the good weather to pose for the camera. First in a rocky area and then in the sandenjoying a pleasant day at the beach.

Dressed in a pink and white flower bikinithe Madrid native has not written any message in the publication, limiting herself to sharing the six images with which she has surprised her followers and, in some way, with which she has found a premature welcome to summer.

The spectacular photos of Ester Expósito in a bikini that set the networks on fire


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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