
The strong attack on a child for the safety of Colombia’s friendly against the United States

La The Colombian national team beat the United States 5-1 in a friendly match played on Saturday, June 8 at the Commanders Field stadium in Landover, Maryland.. But apart from the exhibition of ‘the Tricolor’, the undefeated record that increases for Néstor Lorenzo’s team and the errors of the North American team, there was a incident that has caused discomfort and strong reactions due to the abuse of a small Colombian child.

After seeing the goals of Jhon Arias, Rafael Santos Borré, Richard Ríos, Jorge Carrascal and Luis Sinisterra, the large Colombian colony that entered the game lit up the party and everything was joyful. But this went into the realm of inappropriateness when fans began to jump onto the playing field to reach the players.

Y Faced with this scenario, one of the security and logistics members of the sports scene acted in an exaggerated and violent manner against the minor.. Although the invasion of the field took place, in search of hugging the ‘Tricolor’ players, the repressive measure was disproportionate in every sense and the video that he recorded at that moment became a trend.

Colombian child was mistreated after the Colombia vs. friendly. USA

The match aroused a lot of expectation among the fans, since sIt served as the penultimate preparation test for the 2024 Copa América. And as is tradition, Thousands of Colombian immigrants on American soil wanted to witness the match, this was reflected in the stands of the Commanders Field stadium. because they seemed to be at home.

But just when the players were giving interviews on the playing field, the invasion began and in the videos of the moment it is seen that there are many neutralizations of fans who appeared to be of legal age. However, the situation changed when it was a child who tried to avoid security checks. and youEverything got complicated when he arrived before a big, strong man who did not hesitate to lift him up and then threw him to the grass.he and other men falling on him.

The original video It was published on social networks by ‘The Bleacher Report’ and was taken down from the web a few hours after being aired, but it is seen that there are several players giving statements to the media and fans are beginning to arrive. Likewise, logistics and security personnel arrive to arrest and remove them, but the case of the minor was different, since There were about 5 people who tried to stop him and they all collaborated so that the scene ended so badly..

Yes indeed, When the situation was over, the person responsible for neutralizing and throwing the Colombian to the ground got up and left the site.leaving the child with the Colombian National Team shirt in the hands of someone who had a uniform and identification from a security entity.

The protests have not been long in coming and There are those who ask that the minor, the family and those responsible for what happened be identified in order to act as should be or, at least, that the young person has the opportunity to know theThe players of the Colombian National Team. Furthermore, in other similar episodes there have been gestures from the same players and members of ‘la Tricolor’ so that the fans are not treated with vehemence.

However, there are also those who agree with the security man’s actions, understanding that This happens in Colombian stadiums and there are no strict or exemplary punishments, but it is different in a country like the United States..


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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