
Dream of a downtown night

When celebrating poor victories, stadium sense is required. First the Social Democrats, then the Socialists, the two big parties won elections by the difference of a sports venue full of voters. There were those who said that Marta Temido had no profile, but she was an excellent choice. Elections in June, when the SNS begins to be in chaos – very clearly, doctors did not have time to go and vote. On the other hand, Sebastião Bugalho also exceeded expectations: when people said “I can’t believe he’s not over 30”, they were referring to his age.

As happens to businesspeople who vote for the Liberal Initiative, the party lost its best collaborator abroad where better salaries are paid. The IL finally found itself in the situation for which its militants are always dressed: it had a night of celebration. It’s a shame that Cotrim wanted to be just a summer girl, of whom we will keep good memories, but who we won’t see again. The liberals are radiant and feel like a young party again, however, today they will wake up with a hangover, look at the other side of the bed and ask themselves why they married Rui Rocha.

On the left, João Oliveira will go to Brussels to explain that peace is better than war and the Bloc elected Catarina Martins, who ran an excellent campaign. By “excellent campaign”, it is important to clarify, we mean “she chose not to mention her grandmother”.

This Sunday, the Livre summit will have experienced moments of enormous anxiety. The thing is, Livre was really close to electing Francisco Paupério. Fortunately, everything went well, but they didn’t get rid of the scare. The unrest was so great that Rui Tavares must have spent the night as he voted: blank.

During the electoral campaign, many people were surprised by the fact that a man as absurd as Chega’s head of the list had a fulfilling diplomatic career serving the country. The truth is that, with yesterday’s result, Tânger Corrêa managed to clean up the country’s image. Is the international community concerned about the growth of the far right in Portugal? Tânger Corrêa takes care of that. He is an excellent ambassador, as he lowered Chega’s result.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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