
European elections: Temido, Bugalho and Cotrim in Brussels this Tuesday

Just two days after the European elections, Marta Temido, Sebastião Bugalho and João Cotrim de Figueiredo fly to Brussels. The three are new faces, with no previous experience in the European Parliament. The inauguration will only take place on July 16th, in Strasbourg, but they are already moving towards their first contact with the institution.

Cotrim de Figueiredo should be the first to arrive and from what Expresso learned he has a full schedule. The head of the Liberal Initiative list and number two on the list, Ana Martins, will sit on the liberal bench, Renew Europe.

Marta Temido now has a meeting with the current leader of the Socialists and Democrats bench, the Spanish Iratxe Garcia. The head of the AD list, Sebastião Bugalho, is also expected to spend part of the day this Tuesday at the headquarters of the European Parliament, in Brussels.

This Sunday’s elections meant a total renewal of Portuguese MEPs. Of the current 21, only Lídia Pereira was re-elected. Several analysts warn of a loss of influence for the country and an increased challenge for arriving MEPs.

The new hemicycle of 720 MEPs takes office in the week of July 16th to 19th. Until then, there are many negotiations so that those elected or re-elected can obtain the places they want in the various parliamentary committees and compete for positions of responsibility and influence, such as coordination or vice-presidential positions. group presidencies and the European Parliament.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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