
Longevity Policies: what to expect from the new Government?

“I think that young people are not very sensitive to this aspect, it is a huge path that we have to travel,†says Ana Sepúlveda, president of Age Friendly

“The fact that people live longer – even later – also means that, by having a more active life, they can contribute more to economic and social development,†considers Clara Marques Mendes, Secretary of State for Social Action and Inclusion

“The care economy is an economy of the future and there are economic opportunities to explore,†believes Luís Jerónimo, director of the Equity Program at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

“The government program refers to longevity, but then the measures are focused on the issue of aging,†he explains to Maria João Valente Rosa, professor at FCSH – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

“Society’s adaptation to this aging process is fundamental”, says Nuno Marques, coordinator of the Active and Healthy Aging and Action Plan

“On the part of the DGS, we are focusing on measures throughout the life cycle, whether from when we are babies until after we are over 65 years old,†says Rita Sá Machado, director general of Health

“The diagnosis has been made for many years, I think the strategy is also not very complicated, now what we have to do is implement it and that is what I expect from the new governments and all entities”, says Simon Gineste, general director of Novartis Portugal


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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