
Resignation of Fernando Araújo, health plan and INEM take minister to parliament this Wednesday

The Minister of Health will go to parliament this Wednesday to provide clarifications on the dismissal of the previous executive director of the National Health Service, the emergency plan for the sector and the situation of INEM.

These are some of the matters that have marked the first two months of Ana Paula Martins’s duties and that have led to requests for a hearing at the Health Commission from the parliamentary benches of the PS, Chega and the PSD.

The socialists intend to hear from the minister about the resignation presented by Fernando Araújo at the end of April, after leading the executive committee of the National Health Service for around 15 months, claiming that he did not want to be an obstacle. ¡culate to the Government in the policies and measures that it considered necessary to implement.

The doctor was also heard by deputies on May 22, the same day that the Ministry of Health announced that doctor António Gandra d’Almeida had been chosen to coordinate this body which has the function of managing the various units that make up the National Health Service (SNS) in a network.

Ana Paula Martins will also explain to deputies the recent emergency health plan, approved by the Government last week, and which consists of 54 urgent, priority and structural measures divided into five axes.

When presenting the document, the Prime Minister announced that the plan intends to exhaust SNS resources to the limit, but also counting on the social and private sectors, in a complementary way, to improve the care response to users.

Luís Montenegro stated that, with this set of measures, the Government does not intend to “sell the illusion” that the SNS’s difficulties will be resolved quickly, claiming that the sector faces “deep and structural” problems accumulated over the years. of years.

The financial and operational situation of INEM will also be explained by Ana Paula Martins, in a hearing at the request of Chega that will take place the day after the president of the institute admitted that the degradation of the service “It is undeniable” and defended the need for budgetary reinforcement.

At the Health Commission, Luís Meira assured that he is not “clinging to his position” and that, if the Minister of Health decides to dismiss him, he will leave his duties “without any problem”.


Francesco Giganti

Journalist, social media, blogger and pop culture obsessive in newshubpro

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