
Wet days within the Segura river basin had been lowered by way of 14% between 1987 and 2021 in comparison to the former 34 years

Decrease process the Segura River within the Vega Baja patch.

Analysis by way of the College of Valencia (UV) concludes that the headwaters of the Segura, Guadiana, Guadalquivir and Júcar river basins obtain much less and no more H2O from precipitation and, subsequently, their recharge is much less. The learn about finds that wet days were lowered by way of 14% within the length 1987-2021 in comparison to the length 1952-1986. Moreover, the quantity of precipitation (millimetres in step with pace) has been globally lowered by way of 9% in the second one length in comparison to the primary one.

“A decrease in weak or moderate rainfall, as highlighted in this study, has profound ecological implications for the hydrological system and, consequently, for the well-being of communities. Likewise, an increase in torrential rains has implications for both natural and social systems”, highlights María José Estrela, first signatory of the thing and lecturer on the Section of Geography on the College of Valencia.

The analysis – at the Segura, Guadiana, Guadalquivir and Jùcar rivers – additionally confirms that the farmlands wherein the river is recharged (higher and heart categories) have perceivable a better focus of precipitation in the ones 70 years, this is, there’s fewer wet days with larger depth of precipitation. Total, within the basins studied, in summer time wet days lowered by way of a median of 28%, and in wintry weather, by way of 19%.

As well as, crispy sessions larger, which constitutes a disadvantage for the effectiveness of recharge, since the most productive days for this are the ones with reasonable or low raindrops (not up to 40 mm of downpour in step with moment), which can be reducing with referring to days of top depth downpour (more than 40 mm/d).

The learn about, additionally signed by way of David Corell and Juan Javier Miró (Section of Geography) and Raquel Niclós (Section of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics), confirms that those adjustments weren’t uniform all over the pace, and that during summer time and wintry weather The cut in wet days and precipitation quantity had been extra pronounced. Thus, the quantity of precipitation lowered by way of 20% in summer time and 19% in wintry weather. Moreover, in spring, raindrops was once additionally lowered by way of 10% and best in autumn, the month of biggest torrential raindrops, did the quantity build up by way of 10%.

In line with the analysis, keep watch over of the assets at some stage in the Guadiana and Guadalquivir rivers is a very powerful, since they represent an remarkable vacationer vacation spot that will increase its society considerably in summer time and wintry weather, with much less and no more H2O. The learn about states that during those basins the quantity of precipitation has been lowered by way of between 30 and 40%.


The analysis has been in accordance with the research of 348 raindrops stations situated within the basins of the Segura, Guadiana, Jùcar and Guadalquivir rivers, and belonging to the Situation Meteorological Company (AEMET). The variables evaluated were the quantity of precipitation, the choice of wet days, day by day precipitation categorized by way of depth and the Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), which signifies drought ranges.

This learn about has had the aid of the PROMETEO program (Valencian Executive) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Article : Estrela, M. J.; Corell, D.; Miró, J. J.; Niclós, R. Research of Precipitation and Drought within the Major Southeastern Iberian River Headwaters (1952-2021). Environment 2024, 15, 166.

Annex picture caption :

1. Center process the Segura River.


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