
A boy undergoes open heart surgery for nail biting: “His leg was immobilized”

MThere are many practices that are commonly carried out and that can pose dangers to our health. In fact, many of these become habits that are important to avoid. In some cases it is believed that they are harmless, but the reality is that they are not.

This is the case of Mario, a boy who was enjoying his visit to the manga salon with his friends, when he began to feel really bad: He had a very high fever and vomited repeatedly.

He went to the emergency room and there they told him that he had tonsils and prescribed medication, which several days later did not have any favorable effect, to such an extent that the fever paralyzed his leg. “I had her immobilized and I couldn’t bend her,” This is how he explained it to the reporters of ‘Espejo Público’, the Antena 3 space presented by Susanna Griso.

What really happened to Mario was that he was suffering the effects of a bacteria that was introduced into his body through a mania that many people have: To bite nails. This bacteria, with the name ‘staphylococcus aureus’, seeped into his body and settled in the mitral valve of his heart. This directly affected Mario in his brain, kidneys and spleen.

The medication was insufficient, surgery had to be done

The solution was to operate, a very complicated surgical intervention that saved Mario’s life. This consisted of changing the heart valve, in a completely open heart operation. The protagonist of this story went viral after the publication of a video in which he warned of the dangers that this seemingly innocent habit can cause.

A boy has open heart surgery for nail biting:

From the set of Susanna Griso’s program they began to talk to Mario, who He confessed to them that he is a very nervous person and that despite this bad experience of undergoing surgery, he was not able to get rid of the bad habit. and continues to bite his nails to this day.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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