
A witch predicts ‘El Gordo’ in Alcázar de San Juan and no one pays attention to her

The Christmas lottery He always leaves us with the most curious anecdotes. This year’s extraordinary draw was no different, and today we have been able to see some of the most picturesque stories. From a lottery player who was unaware of having sold one of the big prizes, to the prediction of a witch who guessed the number of ‘El Gordo’.

José Luís, the lottery of the Alcázar de San Juan administration, had not awarded any prize in the December 22 draw for six years. To remedy this, he decided to hire the services of Victoria, the witch. “Seeing the process that followed and the impact it had, we thought why not try it”explained the administrator in ‘And now Sonsoles’.

The psychic has clarified that she does not have the ability to attract fortune to the tenth, but rather directs the luck for the administration, she had to choose a number of all those that were for sale to prepare her ritual. Among those available, she chose one with many eights “because it is the number of infinity, the one that reaches everyone.”

However, he did not reveal the numbers behind him tenth at any time during the performance. The spectators, faced with such skepticism, They did not buy the only tenth 88,008 that was in the premises, since the 400,000 euros prize will not come from the administration.

Victoria has a clear explanation of what happened: “What it was about was that the luck reached the largest possible audience and the money was not collected by one person, but rather went to all Spaniards”. Rocio Lamadirector of ‘Investigation Team’, believes that it was the result of chance. “She has not guessed the prize, she takes one of the tenths that she does not show to anyone, she puts it on the altar, but she does not say that that is the number that will come out.”


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