
Ergo Pro and Ill Pekeño devastate their problems with sex: “I need a lot of confidence”

Lhe guests last Tuesday at ‘La Resistencia’ were the artists Ergo Pro and Ill Pekeñowho during their time in the program demonstrated their musical abilities and, in the process, answered the David Broncano’s classic questions. When talking about sex, they revealed some of the drawbacks they have when practicing it and that make it a problem for one of them.

The first question they answered was the one related to money, in which they were one of the guests who were most direct to the point in the entire history of the Movistar Plus+ space. They didn’t beat around the bush and Ergo Pro clarified that he had 20.000 euros and his partner indicated that he currently had 15.000 euros due to recent expenses.

Ill Pekeño’s sexual problem surprises Broncano

Regarding the question about sexual relations, Ill Pekeño did not hesitate to admit that he had some problems. “I have irritable bowel”, he confessed. Broncano wanted to know if that affected sex and the artist made it clear that he did and that in the end he ended up masturbating. “I have to have a lot of confidence to take a fart,” he said.

Upon hearing that, Broncano couldn’t help but make jokes about it and laughingly told Ergo Pro that he must have “eaten some cuscocas” because of the long moments they spend together. “You smoke eight joints and that’s it, it doesn’t smell,” said Ill Pekeño in ‘La Resistencia’.

For its part, Ergo Pro indicated that he didn’t have the problems of his partner and that, in the sexual area, it was going “well.” Given this, Ill Pekeño proposed other types of questions, such as: How much time do you spend with your friends or your grandmother? An offer that Broncano was not too convinced about. “Many kids who fuck a lot, many bottles in the booths and then the grandmother there in the nursing home and they are not going to see it on Sundays,” Ill Pekeño stated in the program.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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