
Ibai Llanos, in a wheelchair after his return to Spain after the Kings League World Cup

Tupon completion of the Kings League World Cup held in Mexico The time has come to return home. All the teams that were still in the Latin country They have progressively begun to return to their different countries between yesterday and today.

Some of the teams are those that, despite being eliminated, had remained in Mexico to be able to enjoy the great Final Four in Monterrey. The others, of course, are those who competed for this great date and therefore now have to return to Spain and Brazil, only countries that had representation.

He was in a wheelchair on his return to Spain

The surprise that came out was when Ibai Llanos has returned to Barcelona. As reported by Europa Press, the Basque streamer could be seen in a wheelchair at the airport of Barcelona and in visible poor health conditions. The one from Bilbao had already reported having a fever and not feeling well but apparently his situation had worsened during the trip.


Not many more details have been known about it since Ibai was not in a position to give statements. Those who accompanied him wanted to emphasize that simply He has a fever and feels unwell, showing that it is not something serious.

What is clear is that now some more than necessary days of rest to the president of Porcinos. He himself recognized it who had suffered a lot of wear and tear during this trip to Mexico and now you will have to replace batteries to to be able to return to the maximum and for your health to improve.

News in development


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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