
Javier Gómez Noya: “It is our responsibility to bring triathlon closer to the people”

Fresh from San Francisco, where he competed in the T100, Javier Gomez Noya He starred in a class in which he shares his knowledge and experiences about triathlon, in collaboration with Telefónica. 25 employees and shareholders of the company chosen by lottery made each of the three disciplines of sport: swimming, cycling and running. All this with the supervision and guidance of one of the sport’s references worldwide.

The objective of the activity is to “make known and promote triathlon among the public”, in the words of Gomez Noya. The triathlete explained his role: “It is our responsibility to bring people closer to the sport in which we are references. Explain our experiences and sensations so that the participants have a pleasant day and have their first contact with triathlon.”

Gomez Noya

The Racket City facilities hosted all the activities. The first class was swimming, following the natural order of the triathlon. Although the weather was not favorable, the 25 participants entered the pool to learn the swimming techniques of the four-time European champion.

The next stop was cycling, although the class became a ‘Press conference’. The participants pedaled on stationary bicycles for about an hour, while they asked Gómez Noya all kinds of concerns and curiosities. The triathlete explained details of his diet, his training routine and even how many beers he drinks in a year: “You can count them on the fingers of one hand.”

The five-time world champion shares his knowledge about the sport

The discipline that closed the class was the foot race. The lucky 25, with Gómez Noya at the head, circled ‘the block’ twice at a medium pace. In addition, the triathlete taught his activation and warm-up exercises to prepare for his races.

Javier Gómez Noya runs on foot with the participants of the activity.BE IN GALIA

He Galician athlete shows hope with this initiative, which is being held for the fifth time: “Hopefully someone will start training little by little and do some tests. Each one at their own level, but the important thing is that people are encouraged to play sports.”


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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