
Nasri, Barral, WestCol…The ‘bad boys’ of the Kings League World Cup

El Kings League World Cup is coming to an end, there are only three rounds to meet the first world winnerthe quarterfinals, the semifinals and the final that will be played in two days, today Thursday and Saturday. Despite the fact that there is so little left, the competition has not lasted many days, but they have been enough for us to have experienced everything, goals, assists, comebacks and above all, controversies.

If this has been characterized by something Kings World Cup has been for the ‘trouble’since with so much at stake and so many games, the controversies have been a constant during these of weeks. This, logically, has left us protagonistsor rather, ‘villains’ that have earned comments from fans.

Gaules, the enemy of Ultimate Móstoles

One of the hottest matches this Kings World Cup has been the G3X against Ultimate Móstolessince the Brazilians won in the last play of the game by a lot controversy. Behind this Something y DjMariio They went down to the fields to protest and Gauls, the rival president made them the crying gesturewhich made everything ‘explode into the air’.

Mess in the G3X-Ultimate Móstoles: This was the mess after the embarrassing end of the matchTwitter

Nsapu against PIO fans

If he G3X against Ultimate Móstoles It was one of the hottest matches of the Kings League World Cupthe other was the PIO contra Foot2Rue which was decided in favor of those of Amine in an agonizing round of penaltis shootouts. Those of Rivers They played at home with all the fans in their favor, which meant that after each parada de Nsaputhe French goalkeeper, this one He will turn towards the stands to make gestures to the rival fans.

Nasri charges against Ibai Llanos

Precisely the following ‘bad boy’ is one of the legends who have competed in this competition and that is Samir Nasri, the captain of Foot2Rue, He charged hard against Ibai Llanos after the aforementioned elimination of his team before Boys. The Frenchman complained that because of the river Adil Rami could not play the Kings World Cup, in addition to saying that the Spanish streamer has a career thanks to Gerard Piqué.

Ibai responds to Samir NasriTikTok / galaxykingsleague

David Barral, ‘hot’ on and off the field

In this list of ‘bad boys’‘a regular is David Barral, who, as he has demonstrated throughout his career, is a very passionate player. In this competition he has only played one match, in which He argued with the referee, with his own teammate and of course with Juan Guarnizo. Towards the Latin American streamer he dedicated serious insults that cost him a copy sanction that made him former Sporting or Levante will miss the remainder of the Kings League World Cup.

David Barral’s regrettable insults to Juan Guarnizo

WestCol and its usual war

Since he arrived at Kings League Americas, WestCol has been the ‘bad boy’ par excellencesince he is a person who ‘doesn’t hold back’ when it comes to speaking and we have also seen this in the Kings World Cup. First came the attack with his usual enemy, Juan Guarnizo and his fans, since in his party the contempt and later on he laughed at them when they were eliminated. But in addition to that, the Colombian insulted Sergi Aguilar, player of Kunisportsafter missing a clear opportunity.

WestCol celebrates the elimination of Annihilators from the Kings League World Cup


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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