
The owner of the raped goat: “He is distant, he may need psychological help”

ELast Thursday, the terrible news of a goat that had been raped at the Complutense University of Madrid. A cleaning worker who suffered from an intellectual disability sexually abused the animal at the Veterinary Hospital set up at the study center. He was a student who caught this employee red-handed and the one who with her testimony put everything in the hands of the police.

Since then, many animal associations have harshly criticized what happened and have demanded that the worker should go to prison. So that, ‘Espejo Público’ wanted to contact the owner of Clara the goat in order for him to express his vision about these serious and, at the same time, strange events.

“He is distant, he may need psychological help”

“I haven’t had time, these things are seen over time. Yes, I notice her distant and very attentive to everything, although I couldn’t say if anything has changed in her.”, the owner of the Dharma sanctuary began by saying. Next, Francisco revealed how he found out what had happened to the animal.

“When I went to deliver another animal that had to be castrated, they met me there at the Complutense and explained it to me in all the details. Those responsible met with me and I was even able to ask them all the questions I wanted. From the Complutense I think they did what they should”he confessed, making it clear that he agrees with the institution’s way of acting.

Finally, the owner of the place where Clara resides has assured that he will report the violation: “We are going to appear as a private prosecutor. We are going to report, not the university, but the person. Additionally, the attacked goat may need psychological help. Nothing assures me that this will not change his life and that he will have a trauma,” he concluded.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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