
They ask for seven years in prison for Nacho Vidal for reckless homicide in a ‘bufo toad’ ritual

La private accusation in the case against the porn film actor Nacho Vidal of course crime of reckless homicide committed during a Ritual of the Toad Bufo asks seven years in prison for crime of reckless homicide and other against public health.

The Court of Valencia revoked the provisional file of the case in March followed against Ignacio Jordanknown by the stage name Nacho Vidaland others of those investigated by death of a photographer on July 28, 2019 in the Valencian town of Enguera during the celebration of that ritualand considered that there are sufficient indications to judge the three defendants.

In the brief of the private prosecution in this case, which exercises photographer’s family and to which EFE has had access, are requested for the actor four years in prison for manslaughtery for a crime against public health three years in prison and a fine of twelve months at a rate of 20 euros per day.

For the other two defendants, a cousin and friend of the actorapply for the first one too seven years in prison for the crimes of reckless homicide and against public health and the same fine as a necessary cooperator, and for the second three years in prison for a crime of concealment. Likewise, it is claimed that three accused 150,000 euros as compensation for him psychological and personal damage caused.

These were the facts according to the accusation

The prosecution’s brief considers that the investigation shows that the July 28, 2019 the photographer arrived at a home owned by the actor in Enguerawhere they were too his cousin and a friendto spend the day and practice a ritualwho was going to direct Vidal for his experience in this type of events.

He states that the actor took a proprietary glass pipe and one illicit and highly toxic substancecommonly known like poison from the bufo toadand began the preparation of the potion“without having any control over the dose as the calibrated pipette or use any weighing instrument”.

While the ritualin which the three accused participated, the photographer began to stagger y He collapsed abruptly to the groundas can be seen in a recordingwhich reflects that barely It took 24 seconds after ingesting the substance until the seizures began.

Nacho Vidal tells of his experience with the bufo alvarius toad

The prosecution claims that Vidal continued the ceremony, despite the fact that the protagonist I was still unconsciouscon body tremor and respiratory distressand maintains that They did not call the health services until twenty minutes into the ritual, despite “It was getting worse second by second.“.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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