
Yolanda Díaz warns now that she maintains Sumar’s leadership: “I’m not leaving, I’m staying”

Thaving announced just yesterday his resignation as leader of Sumar, Yolanda Diaz He specified this Tuesday that his resignation is aimed at “win the next general election“, thus leaving in the air the possibility of run as a candidate.

The second vice president of the Government has been blunt: “I’m not leaving, I’m staying”. Some words that contrast with the idea he gave this Monday about his resigns as leader of the formation.

Furthermore, Díaz has denied that his role in the Government is going to change: “On the contrary. Taking this step, what I am doing, decisively, is preserve the progressive coalition government against those who want to delegitimize a Government that comes out of the polls and that has won the elections.

Thus, the politician has asked her supporters for peace of mind, making it clear that “Yolanda Díaz is not leaving (…) What he has done is do good politics” because “when there are bad results, we have to assume responsibilities.”

Yolanda Díaz resigns as general coordinator

What has actually happened is that Yolanda Díaz has renounced only her organic role as general coordinator of the party but it will continue within its Executive being the visible head of the same.

Thus, Sumar will not open a ‘succession’ process as was believed this Monday but that they will have to meet to organize a distribution of tasks. All of this will take place next Thursday when the Sumar Coordination Group, composed of 80 people, meet to draw up a roadmap with which to get out of this crisis.


Davide Piano

An experienced journalist with an insatiable curiosity for global affairs on newshubpro

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